Sunday, May 04, 2014

Museum Open May 10-11

The Zymoglyphic Museum in San Mateo will be OPEN to visitors this coming weekend!

Saturday, May 10 - 11 AM to 5 PM
Sunday, May 11 - 12 noon to 4 PM

Our arachnid interns have been scurrying around, polishing the cobwebs to a nice dusty gleam in preparation for swinging open the rust-laden doors and letting in the bright spring sunshine!  The resident crustaceans are preening their exoskeletons for your viewing pleasure, the mermaids are gaily sprucing themselves up, and little eyeballs are popping up like mushrooms everywhere!

See directions here:

It is about a 15 minute walk from the Hillsdale Caltrain station, should you prefer to go that route.

Admission is free!

More info at

Monday, February 10, 2014

News and Notes: Personal Museums on the March!

Kaolithic exhibit, Bailey Museum

"Reliquary of St. Igge", Bowery Museum 

Miniature study with curiosity cabinet in peephole gallery
Marcus Kelli Collection

Our roving reporter presents breaking news on the museum-as-art-project front in the SF Bay Area...Clayton Bailey, whose Wonders of the World Museum had been in storage for nearly four decades, opened his own museum last summer, situated in the charming little town of Crockett...The museum contains a recreation of the old exhibits as well as a mad scientist lab, robots, ceramic gargoyles, and demonic pottery...This space recently visited the Bailey Museum and presented Clayton with some ZM lit...A museum twofer is to be had at the Alter Space gallery in San Francisco...The artist (and gallery co-owner) known as  Koak is building the Bowery Museum in the gallery space as a complement to her work-in-progress graphic novel...Currently showing in Alter Space's peephole gallery are dioramas and specimens from Danielle Schlunegger's Marcus Kelli Collection and Museum (on view until Feb. 22)...Both museums predicted by this space to have great futures...In the South Bay, Beverly Rayner brings her  Museum of Mesmerism & Psychic Art to the Triton Museum in Santa Clara later in February...