The Museum will be open to the public April 9, 2011, from 11 AM to 5 PM as part of Obscura Day 2011, sponsored by Atlas Obscura! "A day of expeditions, back-room tours, and hidden treasures in your hometown," assuming your hometown is one of the 80+ event locations around the world. The Atlas Obscura is an online compendium of "the world's wonders, curiosities, and esoterica", a designation of which our humble museum has been deemed worthy (readers may decide for themselves whether the museum is wondrous, curious, and/or esoteric).
This particular museum tour is limited to 60 participants and sold out last year - sign up here. For some insight on what to expect, you may refer to last year's entry, Obscura Day 2010. Photography is encouraged; photographs uploaded to Flickr (suitably tagged) are eligible to be showcased in the museum's Flickr galleries. Books from the Zymoglyphic Museum Press will be available for purchase.
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